LAYER: ‘Terror Controlled’
What it Displays: A map of areas that are under the direct control of terrorist groups or threatened by areas they have occupied between January and October 2015. Information from no earlier than 2015 was included due to the continually shifting nature of the MENA conflicts. The terrorist groups included in this map were based on terror groups as defined by the National Counterterrorism Center.
Sources of Information: Institute for Study of War (ISW), the Carter Center Syrian Conflict Mapping Project, National Counterterrorism Center and international media reports on terror-controlled territories.
LAYER: ‘Incidents’
What it Displays: A map of cultural heritage sites that have been deliberately targeted for destruction, demolition, or attack by violent extremist non-state actors and organizations. This layer includes sites that have been damaged, destroyed or attacked from January 2011 to January 2016. This does not include sites that have been destroyed as a result of collateral damage in conflict.
Sources of Information: This map was developed in collaboration with Endangered Archaeology of the Middle East and North Africa (EAMENA) using reports from the ASOR Cultural Heritage Initiatives as well as the Association for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology (APSA). Additionally, reports were sourced from media and social media dating back to January 2011.
LAYER: ‘Heritage Sites’
What it Displays: A complete mapping of all of the UNESCO World Heritage Listed sites and Tentatively listed sites in the Arab League states.
Source of Information: UNESCO World Heritage Center.
LAYER: Museums Locations
What it Displays: A mapping of local and national museums dedicated specifically to archaeology, history and/or religion within each nation of focus.
Sources of Information: The 21st Edition of the Museums of the World (2014) as well as the ministries of tourism and/or antiquities for each of the nations addressed.
LAYER: ‘Hot Spots’
What it Displays: A heat map of areas with the highest concentrations of incidents of destruction. This layer includes data from heritage sites that have been damaged, destroyed or attacked from January 2011 to January 2016.
Sources of Information: Hot spot data is derived from the ‘Incidents’ layer and calculated to display the areas of highest concentrations of deliberate heritage destruction.