Live Expert Panel: Following Brexit, will the UK become a center of cultural racketeering?
February 15, 2022
Join us March 1, 2022 at 12:00 PM New York / 5:00 PM London for this Free Webinar
Despite international efforts to shine a spotlight on the deliberate destruction and looting of cultural property during conflict and the international community’s commitment to stopping the industrial trafficking believed to be contributing to the financing of terrorist groups such as Daesh, Al Qaeda and others, illicit trafficking continues in plain sight, seamlessly integrating with the legitimate antiquities market.
While the EU has sought to address this problem by streamlining import rules and preventing import without proof of legal export from the country of origin, the UK has taken a seemingly opposite approach, quietly revoking the EU Regulation on the Introduction and the Import of Cultural Goods (EU 2019/880) in Great Britain, while adopting it in Northern Ireland.
What was the UK’s reasoning behind the decision to repeal the regulation (and failure to replace it)? Will this repeal create a gateway to Europe for illicit cultural property through Northern Ireland, where the regulation still applies? And, how can the UK take advantage of this unique opportunity to adopt bespoke practices that fight cultural racketeering?
Join us for a lively discussion of these questions and more with leading experts in the field of cultural property law, trade, and protection. Dialogue to be moderated by Alexander Herman, Director of the Institute of Art and Law.